How to Install DDsolver in Excel

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in which we discuss how to install Ddsolver in excel. Ddsolver is an add-in for Microsoft Excel. So I tell you how I add plugins to Excel and step by step provide complete detail step with a Picture of the installation.


  1. Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8,8.1 and windows 10
  2. Microsoft Excel 2007, Microsoft Excel 2010, Microsoft Excel 2016, Microsoft Excel 2019
  3. I use windows 10 and Microsoft Excel 2016

Steps of installation

Firstly we required the file DDSolver.xla. Download the file DDSolver.xla and save into the computer (e.g C drive). Complete download the file. File size approximately 7.5 Mb. You can see the picture ESM 2.Zip file. Only download the file ESM 2.Zip file. I you required the ESM 2 file link. You give the Email address in comment than I can send you mail. So you download the ESM file.


ESM 2 File

Extract the Zip file. Extract the file DDSolver.xla. you can see in the figure. Its file size is 15.6 MB. 


I have two methods to install DDSolver.

First Method

Now you open the Microsoft Excel. Go to the file -> option.


When you click the option than open a new windows. You can see in the figure Excel Option is opened.

In which different option available. We click the Add-Ins Option.


When you click the add-ins option than show view and manage Microsoft office Add-ins. At the end manage click Go.. Button.

Excel Add-Ins

Show the Add-ins option. In which click Browse Button. Select the DDSolver.xla file and click the ok button.

Add-ins  List

Then show the DDSolver option. So click the check box and press ok button.

Add-ins  List

When press the ok Button then show the Add-ins ribbon in the Microsoft Excel file. Click the Add-ins and you see the option DDSolver.


Second Method

In which just double click the DDSolver.xla file. Then show the massage on screen and click Enable Macros. So DDSolver is installed.

Enable Macros

Note: if close the Excel file then reopen Excel file then again install DDSolver.

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